
Spotlight On – Barb Bosha’s (C) WBENC Enterprise Star Award Win – and a 33+ Year Business Growth Story

Barbara Bosha, owner of Bosha Design+Communications (BD+C), likes to win. She’s pretty good at it too – whether it’s in business, on the golf course, or at the gym. But when Barb found out that she’d been named as an Enterprise Star by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) – to be recognized at the annual Summit & Salute – you could have knocked her over with a feather.

“Bosha Design+Communications has been a proud, certified WBE since April 2001, and the support from my WBEC-East and broader WBENC network has helped me grow my business, as well as my own personal leadership skills, in countless ways,” said Barb. “It was incredibly rewarding to be recognized by the WBENC, and to have an opportunity to share what I’ve learned as a leader and to highlight the interesting details of my business’ growth story.”

And that growth story is indeed an inspirational one! Barb started out her career in the mailroom at Rohm and Haas Company, moved her way up to the Communications department – but once she had her first child, Barb decided to take a leap of faith.

“At the time, working women who had babies typically had two options: become a stay-at-home mom or go back to your job,” Barb explains. “There’s nothing wrong with those options, but I wanted to have it all. So, I chose ‘option C,’ and I never looked back.”

What began as a one-woman company more than 33 years ago is today a full-service branding and communications company with a growing team of talented designers, communicators, and programmers. The BD+C team creates strategic marketing and employee communications campaigns for a wide range of organizations that foster engagement, accelerate change, and inspire excellence.


At the Summit & Salute, Barb shared a number of business highlights, including one of her proudest moments: the beginning of her working relationship with Johnson & Johnson.

“On November 1, 2006 (yes, I remember the date exactly!), I met with Johnson & Johnson’s Senior Director of Knowledge Management, because he liked the work samples on my website,” said Barb. “This led to my first J&J assignment, and from there, my reputation grew throughout the organization. Over the past twelve years, I have expanded my services to other divisions – thanks to our ability to hit the mark and the guidance from our many J&J mentors. I find my partnership with J&J extremely gratifying because the teams we support truly understand the strategic value my team brings to the table.”

While much of Barb’s story is flavored with “winning” moments, she’s quick to admit that she has experienced her fair share of “losing” moments as well. But much of Barb’s success comes from her belief that “hurdles” are only called “hurdles” because there’s a way to jump over them.

“The best strategy for jumping over those hurdles is to surround yourself with team members who have the right skill set and the right mindset,” said Barb. “I’m not satisfied with people who have only the skills I need to help my business grow. I want people who are also willing to do whatever it takes to meet our customers’ needs and who have a passion for their profession. It’s worth the time and effort it takes to find these special people, because when you employ or partner with someone who complements your skills and also thinks like you, you can overcome just about any hurdle and take your customer service to the next level – AND love what you do at the same time.”


Those who know Barb best would say that her biggest “wins” are the many people she has mentored over the years – several of which have gone on to start their own thriving businesses. At the Summit & Salute, she was happy to share advice and support for the women who are just beginning to explore the possibilities of WBE certification.

“I always encourage newly certified WBEs to view certification as an opportunity, not an endpoint,” said Barb. “It’s an opportunity to get involved in WBENC, to develop relationships, to get exposure, to learn, to mentor, and to grow – professionally and personally. The value of certification comes from involvement. Certification can be the start of something great, but you have to get out there and make it work for you.”

Barb plans to continue getting out there herself – and to keep making connections and helping her customers reach new targets. So, whether she’s celebrating a new win or tackling the latest hurdle, you can expect this Enterprise Star to continue to shine.


Get Involved in WBEC-East

Just as Barb Bosha proclaimed, getting involved with WBEC-East can present a multitude of opportunities to grow your business and network with other Women led businesses. After getting certified, attend events, make connections, and take your company to the next level through the guidance of the WBEC-East community. We have a host of great resources for you to take advantage of today!