
2020 End of the Year Message


As we come to the end of December, where do we start the reflections on the trials and tribulations of 2020? It’s all been so/too much! We have collectively been forced to deal with health, economic, social injustice, and political crises in just a few months.
We will forever be changed by the events that occurred in the year 2020.
As we leave this year behind let us pause to honor those whose lives have been forever changed by the pandemic… Those who will have an empty chair at the holiday table or will wish a happy new year to their loved ones through hospital window glass.  Those who lost their lives and those who lost their faith because of the systemic racism that continues to plague our country.  Those whose businesses suffered irreconcilable losses, those who lost their employment, those who are struggling to find food for the family table.


But…. Let us not leave 2020 behind without also appreciating the learning and growth that this year has forced upon and gifted us. The intrepid amongst us who have stood together and against social injustices.   The supermen and superwomen working in healthcare who are being recognized for the heroes they have always been.  Those small business owners who were able to quickly spin in response to the pandemic and evolve their business structure and mission.


At WBEC-East we have new life to celebrate; 2020 brought us two new staff babies!  Isabel Krome welcomed her daughter, Nora, and Colleen welcomed her daughter, Rose.  Like the business owners we serve, we had to quickly pivot to an online presence.  Since the start of the pandemic in March we have hosted 75 online events with just under 4,000 registrants.  Nationally, the WBENC network has seen an 8% increase in certifications; we are the outlier at a record breaking 12% uptick in our certifications.  We are now third largest of the 14 Regional Partner Organizations with a whopping 1,575 certified WBEs in our region.


Our Board of Directors and our WBEC-East Council have been working on new and innovative ways to provide support to the Corporate and Government Partners, Women Business Enterprises, and Entrepreneurs that we serve.  It has indeed been a trying year and you, your family, and your business will continue to be in our prayers as recovery from 2020 happens and we go into 2021 together with a renewed sense of drive and purpose.


WBEC-East will be taking time to be with our families from December 25th through January 1st.  No worries though, WBEC-East never closes… if assistance is needed, please contact me at 215-936-9392.


Happy and healthy 2021 to all!



President Elizabeth Walsh Signature

and the WBEC-East team.