
WBEC-East EncorePreneur Lab

Are you taking the plunge into entrepreneurship after leaving the workforce?

It can be tough to pivot from being an employee to a boss. We invite you to be a part of our first ever WBEC-East EncorePreneur Lab, designed for those making the transition from employee to entrepreneur. 

What is it? 

  • Online Community: The Lab’s private networking platform is your go-to place to share challenges, access resources, ask for feedback, and connect with both mentors and entrepreneur peers. 
  • Small Group Lab Sessions: Join in a cohort of entrepreneurs at the same stage as you for virtual learning and sharing. Sessions starting winter 2023! 

Who is it for? 

New entrepreneurs ready to make their career encore in the following stages: 

  • Start-Up Phase: You’re preparing to launch or have launched in the last 1-2 years but are still setting up shop. 
  • Scale-Up Phase: You’ve been in business and are established, but need support growing into your potential. 

What will I focus on? 

  • Learn By Doing. Our “Lab space” is all about experimenting to move your business forward. Whether you’ve been hesitant to go try out a new sales technique, explore a new client market, or evolve your operations, you’ll get support to get past your “analysis paralysis” and give it a shot! 
  • Do It Together. We succeed when we work together! Find your “village” and explore partnerships to share costs, exchange skillsets, barter among one another for services, or most importantly, cheer each other on. 
  • Ditch the Beta Mindset. You do not need to be perfect to launch! Learn to embrace “good enough” as an attitude to connect with customers, test your services, and achieve success by being responsive.

Ready to Get Started? 

The WBEC-East EncorePreneur Online Lab is ready for you! Join us for two upcoming in-person events held at the WBEC-East Philadelphia Headquarters.

Friday, December 1st, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

In this free, 3-hour interactive workshop of the WBEC-East EncorePreneur Lab, you will learn how to use the Hourglass Approach, a modern marketing strategy that covers the entire customer journey. Learn how to create marketing offers that will attract, retain, and delight your customers!

Saturday, December 2, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

In this free, 3-hour interactive workshop of the WBEC-East EncorePreneur Lab, we will introduce you to two important tools that will help get inside your customers’ heads and think more deeply about how your business can serve them. Discover what your customers REALLY want and optimize your business to deliver it!

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different than a Facebook or LinkedIn Group? 

It can be scary to share your ideas and business details in places that are public and unmoderated. In the Lab, you can rest assured that the discussions are all private and the participants are all vetted. You’ll be surrounded by a small group of empathetic peers on the same journey as you and supported by the staff and resources of WBEC-East’s reputable women’s business center. 

How is this different than the FastTrac class or other workshops? 

The Lab is not a class or workshop, it is an ongoing support network for sharing, asking questions, and inspiring each other. Current or previous students of the 10-week FastTrac business launch class are encouraged to participate!   

Additional questions? Email Michele Martin at

WBEC-East EncorePreneur Lab is made possible through grant funding from the CLA Foundation.

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