Jump Start SeriesFastTracOrientation and Business AssessmentOther Events

Is JumpStart Right for You?

Are you interested in starting a business… but don’t know where to start? Do you have an idea, but aren’t sure if it’s worth pursuing? JumpStart is for you!

Jump Start will help you:

Assess your business idea to develop a winning concept
Learn the basics of business ownership to see if it’s right for you
Evaluate your financial and legal options for launching

JumpStart Series Workshops

5 weeks, 1 evening each week, held virtually

Before You Start Learn how to move from employee to business owner
Market Research Assess the feasibility of your business ideas
Financial Analysis Discover financial basics critical to business success
The Business Plan Plan for growth and profitability
Business Launch Understand your legal, financial, insurance, employment, and tax requirements

To register

This program is offered twice a year- March + October 2023

Fee- $155 for the full 5 weeks, with financial aid available

Get notified when the next class is accepting students for spring and fall 2024!

Add Your Name to the Wait List

Upcoming Courses



Email our team- info@wbeceast.com