WBENC StarsHes4Shes Champion AwardApplause AwardPress ReleaseWilliam J. Alcorn Award


Each year, WBENC honors 14 exemplary women business leaders with the nation’s premier award for excellence in business leadership—the WBE Star Award. These successful entrepreneurs, all WBENC-Certified Women’s Business Enterprises (WBEs), are leaders in their local business communities and respective fields, and an inspiration to women business owners across the country.

Each WBENC WBE Star has been selected by one of WBENC’s 14 Regional Partner Organizations (RPOs) and are recognized each year at the WBENC Summit & Salute.



Hes4Shes Champion Award

The Hes4Shes Champion Award is given in recognition for ongoing dedication to furthering the development of Women’s Business Enterprises.



Applause Award

WBENC’s Applause Award recognizes exceptional accomplishments that expand opportunities for women’s business enterprises (WBEs) on a national or international level while breaking down the barriers that impede the progress and growth of businesses owned and operated by women. Award recipients are selected based on their impact on the growth of WBEs; creation of policies, procedures or initiatives that increase opportunities for WBEs; and innovative and inspirational leadership on behalf of women business owners and their companies.

Winners of the Applause Awards are announced during WBENC’s National Conference & Business Fair held annually in June.


Press Release

Women’s Business Enterprise Council PA-DE-sNJ honored with four awards during the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council’s 2017 Choice Awards

Read Press Release


William J. Alcorn Award

The William J. Alcorn Award was named in honor of WBENC’s first Chair of the Board of Directors, William J. Alcorn, retired Senior Vice President and Chief Purchasing Officer of the J.C. Penney Company, for his years of dedication and outstanding leadership. This award recognizes exemplary leadership contributions made by individuals in support of WBENC’s mission to open the doors of opportunity in corporate and government contracting to certified Women’s Business Enterprises
