
Connections – Vivian Isaak (L), President, Magnum Group, Inc.


“While attending the Tuck-WBENC Executive Program, I met Barbara Wichmann, CEO of Artemia Communications. We kept in touch over the years, and our paths crossed several times. Finally, during  the WBENC National Conference in Philadelphia, we put our heads together about possibly putting our businesses together – and since then, our partnership has continued to grow.”


“Even though our businesses offer complementary services, it took time, as well as a lot of thinking and planning, to determine how our partnership would work best.

Barbara’s company offers the full gamut of strategic communications, including a range of materials that require translation services, which is what my company provides. The more we discussed our current  and desired  business opportunities, the more we realized that we would be stronger together. We have already partnered on several great projects, and we have more in development.

We are both grateful to WBENC for bringing us together, and giving us the tools to explore and execute partnership possibilities.”


“The best partnerships take time to build. Even if a friendship blooms quickly, I encourage all entrepreneurs to do the work needed to make sure the right ‘ingredients’ are in place for a mutually-beneficial business partnership. This includes the compatibility of company cultures and promising synergies in terms of products, markets, and clients. Consider starting out with a smaller project, and then building on successes from there.

I can say with firsthand experience that when you lay a solid foundation for your partnership, there are exciting possibilities to identify, pursue, and capture growth opportunities.”


About Magnum Group, Inc.

Magnum Group, Inc. is an award-winning full-service multilingual communications company established in 1992. Through strategic partnerships in the US and other countries, we are able to apply modern technology and effective project management to help develop successful multicultural communications campaigns.