Women Who Own

Women Who Own — Peggy Gionta, President, Partner's Consulting

What is unique about your business – and what inspired you to start it?

Partner’s Consulting is the first and only woman-owned Project Leadership company. Our team believes that project leadership determines the success or failure of technology projects and products in highly complex corporate environments. We apply an executive search‐style to identify project leaders with the experience, talents and career objectives that fit our clients’ needs, role, and culture.I first started Partner’s Consulting in order to find work-life balance and to be a better mom. I knew that I could do the professional work of connecting people to people in a way more conducive to the life I wanted to live.

How has networking or mentoring helped your business?

I have been very blessed to have many exceptional mentors. It’s definitely a game-changer when you have someone who has been on the road ahead of you and can help you navigate around some known potholes! I participated in the Greater Phila Chamber of Commerce CEO Connections program and was assigned Sue Jacobson as my mentor – and she is still very much of a mentor to me today. I also completed the Million Women Mentors Program (STEM Connector) with Monica Smiley as a mentor – as well as the Orion Project at Comcast with Nina Vaca as a mentor.

Because I believe in the circle of support, I myself serve as a mentor through Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT), Girls Inc., and the Chamber of Commerce.

I also do a TON of networking, which helps our team reach the people we want to serve and to see changes in the market real-time.

What’s next on your business “wish list?”

I would love to have more time for philanthropic activities. My next job is going to be traveling across the country and helping women build their businesses. I am shocked at the fact that more women than ever are starting businesses, and yet only 4% of them ever grow to more than $1Million in revenue per year. This has to change.

I am also interested in encouraging women – especially at a young age – to consider careers in technology. Within my industry, there’s only about a 25% female representation; at Partners, our company is 60% women. I enjoy volunteering and speaking at events and programs, such as a recent summer camp through Girls, Inc., where I can help spark girls’ interest in technology and its many opportunities.

What is the top piece of advice you have for women entrepreneurs?

Be authentic – even when you’re afraid. Pushing yourself outside of your normal comfort zone is where the growth, learning, and inspiration happens.

What is the most surprising thing about you?

I was a Philosophy major at a Jesuit University. I really enjoyed the deep dive in the approaches of philosophy’s greatest minds, from to Plato to Nietzsche. This passion led me to a huge appreciation for understanding other people’s points of view – which definitely comes in handy as a business owner. I named my company “Partner’s Consulting” because I want to partner with my employees, customers, and consultants – and one of the best ways to do this is to be curious about (and be open to) different perspectives – which can lead to infinite possibilities.