Women Who Own

The Benefits of WBENC Certification

As the country acknowledges another Women’s History Month this March, we must also acknowledge the significant disparity that still exists in revenue and capital between women-owned business and others. Add COVID-19 effects and the disparity has only increased in many ways.

That’s where the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the 14 Regional Partner Organizations (RPOs) and WBENC Certification is helping to bridge the gap, and why becoming WBENC-Certified is more important than ever. Being a WBENC-Certified women-owned business can pay off in spades, especially if you take the time to get involved, educated and engaged with the many programs and networking opportunities throughout the year.

WBENC Certification, through the 14 RPOs nationwide, is the most widely recognized and respected certification for women-owned businesses in the U.S. Thousands of corporations and federal, state and local government entities accept WBENC Certification as the gold standard, confident that WBENC has vetted each business and that each one meets the required criteria. From there, the sky is the limit in the form of formal and informal opportunities to connect with WBENC National Corporate and Government Members and other WBENC-Certified Women’s Business Enterprises (WBEs). Certified WBEs can participate in year-round virtual, in-person and hybrid business, networking and education opportunities offered by WBENC and partners.

WBENC events and programs include networking, procurement and grant opportunities, mentorship, executive education, business enhancement training programs of all kinds, and many other tools and resources. The community of support that exists for WBEs is immense, with like-minded female business owners, supplier diversity and other experienced professionals coming together to help each other grow and thrive.

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