Women Who Own

A Small Ask Regarding the Future of Childcare...


Dear Friends,

First of all, I hope you are doing as well as possible during this crazy time, and that you and your family are safe, healthy and happy. Second, I have a small ask of you.

Many of you, like me, are trying to juggle work and home obligations at the same time right now, and as long as schools remain closed, the juggle will continue.

Here’s what I see in our future:

  1. A new, larger and more challenging childcare crisis is emerging because of COVID-19. This childcare crisis needs new, more nimble solutions that combine creativity, flexibility and safety.
  2. Parents are in it for the long haul; 46 states have declared schools will remain closed through the remainder of the school year and possibly beyond.
  3. But this problem doesn’t just belong to parents – organizations have already lost $3B in productivity due to childcare breakdowns since COVID-19 started.
  4. In order for the economy to safely ramp up, unique childcare solutions are needed.
  5. Several amazing organizations, startups and entities are doing so much to solve this problem too, such as the Gates Foundation.
  6. It’s going to take time and a coordinated effort, but I truly believe we can create a stronger and better childcare support system in this country.

As you may know, I run a company called Flexable, which has provided pop-up childcare services since 2016. Since COVID though, we had to halt all operations and rethink how to help support working parents where they are now.

We need help to provide the most amount of childcare support to impact the most number of working families. You can help me with this initiative in one of two simple ways:

  • We need to get this message out- that childcare solutions must become a part of the return to work planning on and at all levels. Post on social media. Share this message on Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn.
  • Please reach out to me directly at priya@flexablecare.com to learn more about how to get involved in our movement.

Take care,
Priya Amin
CEO, Flexable